People must be really enjoying this long weekend here as Monday is holiday too.
Much of my friends have traveled out of town to have fun. I wish I could too but tension builds up as filming time approaches. two weeks more and the camera starts rolling!
I met up tonight with Fernando De Lucchi, good friend and awesome music composer, to discuss more things about the film score.
It's been a year since we started talks for him to write the filmscore and now things are more clear. We listened to a few themes online so we get to be on the same page with this.
What came as a possibility months ago is now a must: the mix of digital orchestra samples and real ensemble musicians. Recording sessions will begin by December/January. I want the most real sounding orchestra that even purists can tell and enjoy and Fernando thinks alike so, it's good to know we are gonna do it.
It's such a crazy feeling to know that in just a few months as I finish editing this, all what we are talking now will be finally reality.