Make a quick drive down the morro on December 28th for I was to be interviewed about the "Voces en el Silencio" film I did a few months ago. Also, a press conference was offered and here are a couple of videos I found online about it. One of them wrote my name incorrectly (missed the letter "S" in my last name). Funny that I had to change into work clothes and go back up to the top of the morro late at night right after the interview. It was foggy again midway up but going that road many times makes it more familiar each time.
I think there are more interviews coming soon. Will post them as soon as I see them online.
The topic covered needs much promotion and media attention for it is a very deep social dilemma all over the world, specially in third world countries. Hope this gets bigger and bigger. It was quite a cozy moment for all actors involved and specially for my friend Carlos Vertiz and wife Juana, owners of the project. While standing at the back during the premiere of the film in front of the media, I told him "Here's your baby being born before everyone's eyes, Carlos". It is so heartwarming to make a person's dream come true. Even more if I could help him make it a reality. It's like earning a place in heaven above in a way by making a person happy.

Here's one video link:
And another video: