Juan Carlos Oganes' film-making and work blog.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Another interview for the "Voces en el Silencio" film

Another interview I was in promoting my "Voces en el Silencio" film. This was taken at the Fundación Telefonica's locale a week ago.

It's good to see that the film and the topic is spreading fast in the media. The theme truly needs to be taken into account. We all can do something about it to help these people and stop the trafficking.

Friday, January 20, 2012

New TV pilot show being developed on the side

Something that is being cooked for some weeks now and is slowly becoming reality.
Will be directing a TV pilot for a new show with my friends Angel and Fiorella (who doesn't know Angel's Nicolasa puppet character on TV?). This time will be with new characters that are being developed and want to take puppets to a new level in language use and topics.

Production meeting today at his place and getting things ready to do it in a week. Puppet show on the go!

Good professional friends

With beloved character Nicolasa and her "double"

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

All four Institutions - One vision.

Im quite happy right now. Exiting the office of the General Director of Police with a smile on my face and a reconfirmation of support toward my film.

Now I can say I count with all the four institutions that not only existed back in 1880 but actually joined forces and fought for our sovereignty during the war.
Army, Navy, Police and Firemen: all together with one vision. This is quite a joy for me.

New scenes coming soon. Just have to solve some dilemmas regarding logistics and transportation of all cannons and arms to a possible new site. Production meetings tonight and the next days to solve those issues. I feel so proud of you, Perú!

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

"Voces en el Silencio" press conference and interviews

Make a quick drive down the morro on December 28th for I was to be interviewed about the "Voces en el Silencio" film I did a few months ago. Also, a press conference was offered and here are a couple of videos I found online about it. One of them wrote my name incorrectly (missed the letter "S" in my last name). Funny that I had to change into work clothes and go back up to the top of the morro late at night right after the interview. It was foggy again midway up but going that road many times makes it more familiar each time. 

I think there are more interviews coming soon. Will post them as soon as I see them online.

The topic covered needs much promotion and media attention for it is a very deep social dilemma all over the world, specially in third world countries. Hope this gets bigger and bigger. It was quite a cozy moment for all actors involved and specially for my friend Carlos Vertiz and wife Juana, owners of the project. While standing at the back during the premiere of the film in front of the media, I told him "Here's your baby being born before everyone's eyes, Carlos". It is so heartwarming to make a person's dream come true. Even more if I could help him make it a reality. It's like earning a place in heaven above in a way by making a person happy.

Here's one video link:


And another video:

Monday, January 9, 2012

First days of 2012 - Still filming.

Coming down from the morro for a few days of rest and scheduling for the next scenes. January 9, wow. How fast days go by. This past week has been full of a lot of stress (like if there wasn't any....crap!) and many phone arguments with some people I asked to be removed from their positions for attitude reasons. Seems my inquire went ahead as I no longer hear their self-righteous words or complaints anymore. Doing this is stressful enough to even have to bear people like that, so I let them go in the only way that was needed in order for them to get the message straight: loud and straightforward.

Lima is hot these days. And I mean pretty hot. News reports say that it has gone at least as high as 32 C (90 F) aprox. We all could feel the tremendous heat up there as we are all boldly exposed to the sun when the sky is clear. Being the Morro Solar a bit tall (the part we film at is almost 271 mts high (890 ft) and the actual Morro de Arica is around 120 mts (393 ft) making our place somewhat taller than the real scenario but the eye nor the camera can tell those 140 mts in difference. Both places are high anyway, even for a jump (Ugarte), and that's why the weather is quite different from down below in the city. When the sun comes out is quite heavy on us, melting much of any plastic artifact  left exposed and causing sunburn (a huge contrast when I roll my sleeve) and at night, the temp drops a lot and together with high-speed winds and drizzle-fog, the cold sensation increments exponentially.

I quite love filming up there. It's quite away from it all and also close to it all. Driving down to the city to buy food or to pick up the actors has done quite some a damage to my car and today, a mechanic is needed (the front suspension has dropped and the wheel is touching the chassis at every turn, the clutch is making noises, the exhaust pipe is broken making it lose compresion and engine power, the rear door has the handle broken together with my right rear view mirror and there's a lot of soil in the engine). I guess we have to take a few days off to heal our wounds, so to speak.

All in all, this first week has been quite a ride and got myself really good shots and scenes.

Here I put together some small clips and pictures together taken by my directing assistant and other production assistants who has free hands to take some shots (the credit goes to them for those amazing work pictures) to show a bit of how it is all developing. Now....off to the mechanic.