Sun was perfect, weather was nice and all was covered nicely and ready for the next shots tto be filmed there soon. I simply love the Quinta Hereen. I was thinking out loud if that place could be transformed into a movie set for films that require it. The place is simply beautiful. Just a bit uncared for.
First scenes with renowned actor Igor Calvo. I have to say that I am very happy with his performance and overall professional attitude. Very helpful and very supportive. Definetly someone I can also call a friend. His demeanor truly states someone who has learned about life and comprehends things that make it happen. A very positive energy.
A gentleman indeed.
Tonight: 9pm rehearsal with Mac Lennan, Sarmiento and Calvo and go over their scenes. Last saturday, we had one and noticed some chilean accent practice is needed. I want that scene to be perfect accent wise and script wise. Keeping accent and remembering their lines is what Id like to flow seamlessly.