It has been quite rough these past weeks. Many

This film is serious and I can't allow people like that to come and spoil all the hard work of many of us. It was a huge mistake in hiring him as everybody told me. Everybody is a witness to that and I'm very sure he will have a hard time getting work elsewhere as word of mouth has spread quickly about his attitude issues without me even saying a single word...specially in the film business and with the Army.
But now I am very happy with the new ones. They are quite professional, punctual, discreet and hard-working people. People that make u feel at ease...not like the former guy.
I knew right from the start that only serious and professional people would stick around the heavy weather and work conditions this type of film involves and time has proven so. Now I know who's who here and who will finally get to the final credits.
Life goes on and the film is moving along well even among these busy holidays.
I'm very happy with the results so far. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger they say.
And on a side note, yesterday Thursday was the first film scene of Juan Manuel Ochoa as colonel Agustin Belaunde. Again I say I'm more than happy to have this wonderful actor aboard. He always puts his "touch" on every character he makes. Filming even as late as 1 AM in the morning isn't fun but working with him is enough to make it worthwhile.