Talking to people as high up the food chain as those guys is really really hard. I'm glad to finally pull thru. I must admit sometimes its overwhelming, emotionally draining all these hurdles and patience-demanding, My dream is what pushes me forward and I want to take it to the limit.
But still, I want results.
One thing that annoyed earlier before the meeting -as I talked with a colonel who is supporting my film too- was the fact that while talking with the officer who is in charge of pushing my project forward with the Commander-in-Chief (and a person I was trusting and waiting on) has left it stuck in there without a follow-up, trapping my project in the commander-in-chief's office. And all just out of pure negligence.
Luckily I have 99% of the people inside on my side that see the importance and value of this thing.
The things I get to learn lately....mmm...