Ante el silencio como respuesta a los varios telegramas enviados solicitando apoyo, Carlos Vertiz -encarnando a nuestro coronel Bolognesi- siente el conflicto interno de batirse entre el sentido común y el deber patriótico.
Tras la perdida de la fragata Independencia, Guillermo More -destacado en Arica- busca limpiar su honor y compensar su acción batiendose sin temor ante el enemigo usando sus poderosos cañones Vavasseur y Voruz en las baterias del morro.
Instantes previos al ataque del 3ro de Linea chileno sobre el fuerte Ciudadela. Los Granaderos de Tacna guardan silencio y sienten que algo se asoma en la oscuridad de la noche. Solo es cuestión de saber cuando. La "camanchaca" no deja ver mucho.
Alfonso Ugarte en sus memorias previas al inicio de la guerra junto a su madre Rosa Vernal y su prima y novia Timotea Vernal. Baile de gala en casa del embajador en Iquique (Diciembre de 1878).
Nuestras "mamachas". Nuestras valerosas mujeres que nunca dejaron a nuestros soldados, alimentandolos, curando sus heridas y acompañandolos en su heroica labor de defender a la patria.
Desde Abril del 2013 hasta Julio del 2014, el trabajo arduo de toda la labor de la edición de imágenes, efectos digitales, rotoscopía, musicalización y colorización de los dos formatos de "Gloria del Pacífico" para las salas de cine y la TV.
Después de la selección y compra de decenas de rollos de tela en Gamarra, se inició el corte y confección de 700 uniformes peruanos, chilenos y bolivianos. Meses de trabajo arduo y supervisión para que queden similares al estilo de la época.
Momentos previos a la toma final del fuerte Ciudadela, el Crl. Arias Araguez se inmortaliza juntos a sus Granaderos de Tacna al negar su rendición ante la superioridad numérica chilena.
Estableciendo planos para los interiores del Independencia en las memorias del Capitan de Navío Guillermo More. Momentos previos a la inundación de agua de mar y humo extremo.
Momentos en que el Crl. Agustín Belaunde escucha a todos los demás oficiales permanecer en sus puestos y no rendirse, aún ante la superioridad numérica y logística del enemigo. Propone la capitulación pero es resondrado por todos.
Tras una consejo de guerra breve y ante la visita del parlamentario chileno, el Sargento Mayor Jose de la Cruz Salvo, Bolognesi pronuncia sus célebres palabras de no rendirse y pelear hasta quemar el último cartucho.
La dualidad de todo ser vivo. El bien y el mal en la cosmovisión andina. Próximo largometraje que muestra el mundo del danzaq visto a través de la vida de Ccarccaria.
Reynaldo Arenas como el abuelo y mentor de Ccarccaria recibiendo indicaciones para su escena de ayuda a su hija (actriz Pilar Ochoa) a dar a luz al futuro danzaq.
An event of events sponsored by E.Wong and run by the Patronato Conservatorio Nacional De Música lead by Wong's CEO, Erasmo Wong.
It's main idea was to gather good tasteful music and take it to the masses in different places around Lima. This time they chose the main circle in Miraflores-Lima. Together with their Gran Corzo de Wong held each year around our national holiday, I think this is their main event and showed with much of their pomposity they have all us acustomed to.
I was asked to direct the visual performance of the show as to direct live-show camera work.
Like always, the frenziness starts early and raises in adrenaline as the hours get close to the opening act. I remember Erasmo Wong himself coming several times into the van suggesting things for their sponsors who were gonna have a copy of the show (it was gonna be recorded live). He wanted their logos to be shown as much as possible. Marketing reasons of course.
It went on nice after a long sound and video check.
Here below are two videos of the making of the show.
It was quite interesting to see such work of young students taking their first shots at this beautiful career.
Many were quite hilarious and some were capturing. Was nice to see some familiar faces on screen and I must admit it's a bit of an effort to see your freind actors perform in diferent roles that the media has "encapsuled" them in.
There was one film in particular which captured my attention and not because of it's story (it was well written) but because of it's neatness. It was so well handled that it didnt look an amateur job or a student film. That one belonged elsewhere. At the end -when reading the credits- I saw some familiar names and knew inmediatly that it got some "help" of major players in this field. So that kinda disqualified to our jury eyes it's true intention in accordance to the meaning of the festival.
A new born filmmaker not only needs that boost in esteem for they are trying to achieve but also it needs to be boosted with a sense of justice and justification. Having help of almost 50% in crew of experienced people make their starting efforts a bit of a "rush" into their desire of "perfection", getting lost many times in the true meaning of their primal efforts: earn experience and not just jump directly to conclusions.
To my believe, too much help from more experienced eyes makes a young filmmaker a type of puppet or "excuse" of the first one more than a "learning process" of the latter.
It is an obstacle in their path to grow as a professional filmmaker.
In the end, there was a similar score after the prior film was dismissed, leaving the decision on my lap to make the call and incline the weigh to one of the lasting two. Finally, I chose the one with more dramatic appealing and spoke our jury decisions to the public.
I just explore life in person and through the lens of a camera. Sometimes it's more appealing than reality.
Solo explorando la vida en persona o a través de la lente de una cámara. A veces es más atractivo que la realidad.
Copyright Notice: All work within this site- written, images or video are copyright of Juan Carlos Oganes and/or Emporium Digital
Studios s.a.c. Reproduction in whole or in part without express permission of the owner is prohibited.
Derechos de autor: Todos los trabajos dentro de este blog- escritos, imágenes y videos son propiedad de Juan Carlos Oganes y/o
Emporium Digital Studios s.a.c. La reproducción en su totalidad o en parte sin la autorización expresa del titular está prohibida.
Todas las imágenes y videos están en constante seguimiento en la web por infracción.