Went today early morning to the Cuartel Barbones (Fort Barbones) which is an old fort near downtown which is mostly run by the army logistics office and is the place where most of the old weaponry and obsolete equipment goes for archiving and saving.
Asked for the ranking officer and was nice enought to attend me after the order from the General came in my name (usually it runs like that. Not leverage and you get nowhere) and told him about my plans for the film. I was hoping to find they had old rifles liek Chassepots and Comblain models there but they only had Mauser 98K series (which wasn't used in our war for that model was made around the 1920's). Asked him if he would be nice enough to show me one.
He did.
As much and as hard that I've looked around all forts, not enough quatity of the older models are to be found. The fort had around 60 Mausers at my disposal including the bayonets. Some were a bit faulty but, who cares? It can be fixed...although it adds up to the budget needed for it.
More sponsors would have to enter the game to reach the amount.
Also I was lucky enought o find three more canons of the late 1800's that work!
That adds more possibilites to the film.
Im smiling.
At least I got somewhere.