He told me last year after listening of this project that he would be willing to help with his fort resources as much as he could and believed in these thing.
He confirmed it once again and will be going tomorrow Friday again to meet other officers to talk about what I need.

Agreed yesterday to meet with Police Colonel Gamarra after my visit to the fort so we could go together to the "Potao", the Police Force's horse regiment. Like we agreed with the Police Director, they will help with 40 horses and 40 riders.
They even have three white ones to choose from for the famous Alfonso Ugarte jump off the cliff!
I asked the Commander of the place if I could bring my actors who play horse-riding officers to practice some riding and he agreed happily.

Things are turning good this week.
I'm just worried about the rest of teh soldiers uniform-making....I can't find the correct metal buttons so far!

Tomorrow Friday going to the biggest textile emporium to find more stuff: Gamarra!