After a long time of hurdles, finally the two TV commercials were done.
This client has been one of the hardest to work with as it seemed like a battle of opinions and power issues inside the company and nobody seemed to approve each other's views....and we got to be in between that back-n-forth stabbings. We have been involved with them since late January and apporved my idea on February.
Principal shooting only took place in July and then in August.
Im happy with the results though and it was a fun experience.
One of the hardest anecdotes was the Marketing Manager wanting to change the main actor at the last minute and I having to face it was something very unconfortable. Very... you name it.
There was a second choice which they picked and thank God he was available at the moment. But, anyway, those things should not be done to an actor, and above a human being.
Nothing personal here....just a mere thought of decency and professional respect for the talent in front of the camera, and they or no one of us should be responsible for any company's cravings or inside-battles.
This two were shot in SD for budgeting purposes and the lenses used were a Canon EF 35mm f/3.5 Prime, Canon 16x II 39-624mm f/1.6 and Canon 3x II 24-72mm f/1.8 with a 35mm adapter.
The TV LCD screens, surveillance/monitors and the sattelite were done CG and motion tracked for live footage coupling. The night shots were done with a day-for-night technique and the lights and lens flares were done CG also.
The whole spots were then color graded and timed with our Proceso Cinematico Digital.
We all were quite happy to endure and wrap up the project to the standards needed.
Below are the two spots.
TV SPOT "CRUZ DEL SUR" from Juan Carlos Oganes on Vimeo.
TV SPOT II "CRUZ DEL SUR" from Juan Carlos Oganes on Vimeo.
Saturday, September 2, 2006
Cruz del Sur TV Spots
3:00 PM
By Juan Carlos Oganes
digital effects,
Emporium Digital Studios,
Juan Carlos Oganes,
Proceso Cinematico Digital,
special effects
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