Juan Carlos Oganes' film-making and work blog.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Alto del Alianza battle

Last filming day of the year: yesterday Thursday the 30th. Filmed the Alto del Alianza battle.
Even though we had a late start we did fine. Regiment uniforms and flags of Zepita N 2 were used, the Husares de Junin and also the Bolivian Colorados and Aroma were present. It was also the first day with actor Gustavo MacLennnan playing Chilean general Baquedano.

I want to write a bit more but I am exhausted. It's been five full days of pre-production for these battle scenes, so I will just close this post saying it's been a great year of making a long-time dream come true. Practically making a life-dream come true.
I thank each and everyone involved in making this happen. To all who are not here anymore because they simply couldn't endure the hurdles and stress and specially to those who still remain and keep on strong showing they are true professionals and real fighter-soldiers!

To you all I thank you deeply from the bottom of my heart.
Happy new year 2011 everyone!!!!

PS: We took an improvised picture during dinner time and twicked it to make it look like an old daguerreotype photo of the era welcoming that year 1880. Just for laughs! :)

I also want to thank the faithful participation of the following people who has showed up to the location to play -at least once- as a soldier. Many has come one day and some others for many days or even everyday! Testing their own abilities to face extreme heat, sun, dust, soil, rifle butt hits, prolonged hours of exhaustion, etc. Just like the real ones did 130 years ago. These men are true fighters and true believers not only in the cause but also in my project: Gustavo Perez, Alaan Placencia, Cesar Bautista, Juan Carlos Arana, Raul Bermudez, Jaime Trujillo, Carlos Buitron, Javier Liñan, Martin Josue Paredes, Raul Zambrano, Oblitas Condor Vasquez , Alvaro Heredia, Jorge Bayona, Paolo Rossi, Pedro Chambilla, Julio Maldonado, Vuldemar Casavilca and Abelardo Juarez.


El gato del rock said...

Un gusto haber trabajado con tremendos actores, sonidistas, asistentes, extras, y el director Juan Carlos Oganes, gracias por darnos este lujo de dar el todo por el todo por el PERÚ y por cumplir un sueño de defender nuestro paìs de aquel entonces. FELIZ NAVIDAD Y FELIZ AÑO 2011 año en el que te haras famoso JCO en serio ya te veo recibiendo tu premio saludos.

Juan Carlos Oganes said...

Y gracias a tí Alaan por ser parte de esto. Junto con todos los extras, formas un todo que engorda el film de no solo realismo sino de buena vibra y tesón. No busco un premio pues mas ha sido mi motivación por hacer un sueño personal de años en realidad con el que busco relievar el sentido de patria y nación en la gente...y lo digo en serio. Cualquier reconocimiento ya será como consecuencia de ello mas no su fin. Gracias de verdad por estar ahí. :)