Finally finished editing "Voces en el Silencio".
It ended being just a bit above 30 minutes long so it falls into the category of a medium-length film. Rushed the color-correction process just to be in time for the festival I've been invited to to be a jury, for it will be shown there at the end as a special premiere (not the official one and not in competition either as I can't be a jury of something I did in the festival). As soon as I get back home I'll tweak it a bit more.
I'm flying today to Chiclayo for the Cortos de Vista film festival to be a jury. Flight leaves at 6:20pm and it's almost 3. Better rush to the airport!
PS: Lost the flight. The people that bought the ticket forgot to do the proper check-in in time. Catching the next flight available. Bit upset for I haven't slept well in a month. Three hour naps everyday isn't good.
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