Juan Carlos Oganes' film-making and work blog.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Reynaldo and Pold: Two generations and their views of the past.

Starting the second week of filming on-location at one of the most beautiful districts in Lima: Barranco. Started with short shots of Chilean soldiers dismantling and destroying the electric batteries that power up the mines in Arica.

At last, working on one of the few remaining scenes of the film with Reynaldo Arenas and Pold Gastello as Vicente and Juan Diego respectively. Funny fact that I asked them to be in the film around a year ago and finally the time has come. Pold plays Juan Diego, Vicente's only son and Reynaldo plays Vicente, an ill bed-ridden, 75 year old war veteran beaten by life.

Doing the part of a war survivor and his son, Reynaldo and Pold are such a joy to work with. This is our third film together and so much like the fact that I get to work without the pressure of time and space as we are filming in a turn-of-the-century house in Barranco, just a block away from its plaza and close to all the old and warm places Barranco is so much loved for. We all (but actors) stay to sleep here as we start very early. Love old houses. Some here think there's some stuff going on at nightime but haven't heard or seen anything.

Their parts are truly vital, as their scenes delicately knit and connect all the dots for all the duration of this feature.

Making a 1929 room.

Making Reynaldo look 75.

Script go-thru.


Vicente's dormitory.

China ball as a fill light.

Making gray hair.

Screen capture: Reynaldo as Vicente. 1929.

Screen capture.

Screen capture: Pol as Juan Diego, Vicente's son.

Screen capture.

Screen capture: Letters from the past.

Screen capture: Teachings.


Desmond said...

Hola Juan Carlos, soy periodista de La Tercera de Chile y me interesa mucho hablar contigo sobre "Gloria del Pacífico", te escribí al correo de tu productora y te llamé también. Mi correo es morales1981@gmail.com.